Hi, I’m Anna!
An animator + freelance motion designer based in L.A.
I love crafting bold, vibrant worlds...
Taking an idea and giving it LIFE is my forté.
I’m a one-stop-shop, from sketches to style frames,
to sleek final output.
Get in touch! I’d love to work with you ︎
A cowgirl and her trusty husky walk into a bar...
Commissioned short as part of the inagural Nouns Fest 2023 - https://nounsfest.tv/

ADULT SWIM I.D. “Teenage Euthanasia”
Animated Ident for the televised premiere of“Teenage Euthanasia” on Adult Swim.
Category Morgue-tacular Spring Break... embalming-fluid pong edition!
Directed & Animated by: Anna Cangellaris
Producer: Anca Vlasn
Warner Media


Hot Toddy
A candy-colored-teen-centric-murder-mystery written and directed by Mary Sette and designed and animated by Anna Cangellaris.
From character and production design to storyboards, cel animation and final compositing this project is a love letter to girl world, DIY animation and Limited Too.
Hot Toddy is making it’s rounds on the festival circuit. Contact for full link!

“This gothic-soaked cell animated short...”
Uses surreal imagery and themes to put the viewer in Sophie’s frantic point of view. Paranoia, desire, and the uncanny await you at every turn. This is an example of a short that feels so fully-realized, brimming with detail not usually found in student animation projects.
Each new moment brings with it unexpected imagery, dynamic movement, and a true sense of hallucinatory perspective. Yet the film always feels cohesive and singular, a testament to Anna Cangellaris’ vision at work.
Her other work, including inventive GIFS and short episodic material, picks up where “Sophie” left off in its critique of the Hollywood Hills reality TV lifestyle."
-Fresh Out Of Film School — “New Directors To Watch” CalArts School of Film/Video Showcase (2019)


Barbie's World
Something is going on in Barbie’s World that she just can't explain. Not feeling like herself, she falls behind at work and nearly misses Cynthia's pool party! On the brink of an existentialist crisis Barbie has a revelation about her life.

︎ anna.cangellaris@gmail.com
︎Pasadena, CA
© annaxliza LLC 2022